Our History

Starting in 2020, we became the best clothing brand and shopping site in Qatar.



Satisfied customers in Qatar and growing

Welcome to Qfit.QA

About Qfit

Starting with a sports t-shirt we’re on a mission to reduce waste by creating premium quality sports clothes and essentials that are not only made to last but can be re-made into new products at the end of their life.

For us, sustainability is not only about making the best product in the most sustainable way but also taking responsibility for that product from beginning to end.

It’s why we started a circular sports clothing company to close the loop on fashion and give people a better choice in fitness and daily life.

Each year we purchase around eighty billion new pieces of clothing. With 73% going to landfills and only 1% being recycled back into new clothing.

We wanted to change this by creating fully circular essentials, bringing value back to the customer, and making it easy for everyone to make a difference.

In October of 2020, we launched and successfully funded our first Qfit campaign bringing Plain and simple to live.

Core Values

We are a bespoke sports textile manufacturer and sports clothing company in Qatar

Premium Fit Designs

We started a circular clothing company to close the loop on the fitness industry in Qatar

Lifestyle Clothing's

Great Shopping